platforma za ustvarjanje Virtualnega pohištva

Sklenite posle hitreje. Tweakly platforma vašim strankam omogoča, da si pohištvo v miru zdizajnirajo sami.

Razvili smo spletno trgovino s 3D predogledom vašega pohištva, ki sproti izpisuje VAŠO ceno glede na dimenzije, materiale in obdelave.

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Rezervirajte klic z našo ekipo! Svetovali vam bomo kako se lotiti pospeševanja prodaje in kaj vse potrebujete za svoj spletni začetek.

spletna trgovina z vsemi variantami vašega pohištva, ki se izrisujejo sproti

Konec risanja predogledov v 3D programih

Tweakly trgovina vključuje vmesnik, kjer vaša stranka takoj vidi, kako bo pohištvo izgledalo!
Izbere model. Določi dimenzije. Določi barve, materiale, ročke … Ko je zadovoljna, v spletni trgovini odda naročilo in plača.

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Pozabite na izdelovanje ponudb, cena se izpisuje sproti

Ko uporabnik dizajnira svoje pohištvo v konfiguratorju, se mu sproti spreminja cena – različne dodelave, dimenzije … nekatere vplivajo na ceno, druge ne – vse to Tweakly upošteva in sproti izpisuje ceno. Pozabite na pisanje ponudb, Tweakly to počne namesto vas.

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Pospešite svoj posel

Tweakly vam prihrani toliko časa s ponudbami in dogovarjanji s strankami, da lahko vzamete več projektov in začnete s pospeševanjem prodaje. V Tweakly paketu so tudi osnovna orodja za digitalni marketing. Vključujemo plan za Google optimizacijo, izdelavo Google tekstovnih oglasov in e-mail marketing.

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Ali pokličite 040 820 342

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Kakšne so Tweakly izkušnje

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Helena Fortea ColoméHelena Fortea Colomé
08:53 24 Oct 24
It was a pleasure working with Katja! She was highly professional, attentive to detail, and delivered exactly what we envisioned. Highly recommend!
Barbra DrnačBarbra Drnač
18:18 07 Oct 24
I met the tandem Gregor & Katja by chance, but since I don't believe in coincidences, they were of course meant for me when I decided to re-design the portal and update all possible IT approaches. Katja took my wishes into account and upgraded them with a creative interpretation and, above all, a user-friendly use of the portal for both the reader and me as the editor. She took into account the establishment of the portal, the logo and visualized them into an attractive and unique website that brings new dance news every day. Of course, I was most afraid of all the changes that Gregor 'imposed' on me, but the ease with which we came to an effective result convinced me that I could trust him. Cooperation was extremely systematic and active. This is how our cooperation continues even today, when they react quickly and efficiently with their professionalism, if by any chance a dilemma arises. Our next goal or challenge is a subpage in English. I can't wait to get started. Deciding why to choose neAgencija is simple, because it's said and done!Editor of the online media portal specialized in dance
Špela NastavŠpela Nastav
07:07 03 Oct 24
Working with neAgGENCIA has always been great. They try to understand the client, they are full of creative ideas, searching for solutions, very responsive and friendly. We can definitely recommend it.
Nova ŠolaNova Šola
09:39 01 Oct 24
16:22 30 Sep 24
nataša pijažanataša pijaža
11:18 30 Sep 24
The neAgencija team created a website for me, which is great! I have had it for 5+ years and it works flawlessly! I am more than satisfied!
Peter RibaričPeter Ribarič
07:15 30 Sep 24
The neAgencije team is top - responsive and results-oriented.
Lina 77Lina 77
11:10 13 Nov 23
I recommend! Very helpful and friendly team full of ideas.
Ziva Kavka GobboZiva Kavka Gobbo
08:14 13 Nov 23
Excellent communication, quick thoughts and creative ideas distinguish neAGENCY. We love working with them.
Sandra HamSandra Ham
11:53 04 Aug 23
I met the team for the first time during the corona crisis. We did the "Work from home" campaign (which almost all of us were forced to do at the time).They gave me a formula for the right words to advertise, we came up with the creative and we started. The result was almost overnight! However, since our website was already a bit rusty, we then started to renovate it. In a few months, we installed a new one, to our liking. Everything went like clockwork. When I didn't have suitable material, they made it! They also took care of the SEO and UX of the website.Working with neAGENCIJA is uncomplicated, fun, you are responsive and you always feel welcome. My personal experience is very positive and I can recommend them with a clear conscience.
Nejc MercinaNejc Mercina
11:27 03 Aug 23
Great experience, team full of ideas and experience. We will certainly cooperate in the future.

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Ali pokličite 040 820 342

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